
Sprint - ACA

Learn about the USA Sprint Canoe and Kayak National Team, upcoming races, selection criteria for our Olympic and national teams, and more.

Sprint kayak

Sprint kayak is a type of canoe sprint held on calm water. The paddler is seated, facing forward, and uses a double-bladed paddle pulling the blade through ...

Canoe sprint

Canoe sprint is a water sport in which athletes race in specially designed sprint canoes or sprint kayaks on calm water over a short distance.

CanoeKayak - Sprint - Team Canada

Canoe/Kayak Sprint at Paris 2024. Venue: Vaires-sur-Marne Nautical Stadium. Competition Dates: August 6-10 (Days 11-15). Events: 10 (5 men, 5 women).

Canoe Sprint

Canoe Sprint is a race to the line on a flatwater course with international competition set over four distances: 200, 500, 1000 and 5000 metres.

Sprint Kayaks

Our sprint boats are manufactured in 4 construction levels, providing the right choice for everyone from clubs to top athletes.

Canoe Sprint

What is Canoe Sprint? Canoe sprint sees competitors race each other on a flatwater course over distances between 200 and 1000 metres.

Paris 2024 Canoe Sprint Men's Kayak Single 1000m Results

Find out who took home gold, silver and bronze in 2024. Official results of the canoe-sprint Men's Kayak Single 1000m event at the Paris Summer Olympics.

C1 Men 1000m - Final A 2024 ICF Canoe

Exclusive live coverage for YouTube members https://planet.canoeicf.com/LIVE2024SprintSzeged Canoe-Kayak Sprint European Paris Olympic ...

Canoe Kayak Sprint Paris 2024 Olympics

... / Paris 2024 Olympics preparation. Planet Canoe · 8:03 · The most decorated Olympian from New Zealand, Lisa Carrington is the queen of canoe/kayak sprint.


LearnabouttheUSASprintCanoeandKayakNationalTeam,upcomingraces,selectioncriteriaforourOlympicandnationalteams,andmore.,Sprintkayakisatypeofcanoesprintheldoncalmwater.Thepaddlerisseated,facingforward,andusesadouble-bladedpaddlepullingthebladethrough ...,Canoesprintisawatersportinwhichathletesraceinspeciallydesignedsprintcanoesorsprintkayaksoncalmwateroverashortdistance.,Canoe/KayakSprintatParis2...


